Since 1983 TuTTOespresso creates beverage systems inventing, patenting and developing patented technical solutions for the world of high-quality coffee.


 Throughout its almost 40 years of life, TuTTO has worked helped as external consultant or Licensor several leading companies of worldwide fame in the field of IP, specialising in coffee capsules, systems and machines.

Where from?

Founded in Florence, Italy, in 1983, TuTTOespresso started its long history as a manufacturer of Italy’s first dual-capsule drink system. It used both freshly ground ingredients (fresh leaf tea, ground coffee, herbal remedies) and soluble pre-mixes (chocolate, instant milk, etc.) in convenient and then-unknown “single portion” plastic capsules.

Manufacturing both machines and capsules internally, sales soon spread across Europe and Canada, US and South-America.

TuTTO’s GoodDesign® and RedDot® design-awarded “T-Machine” (2000) opened up “capsule machines” to the round and seducing esthetics coffee-drinkers have now become familiar with. Created by designer & Ettore Sottsass’ Memphis-acolyte Massimo Iosa Ghini, “la T” was a milestone in the history of industrial design for coffee-machines.

In 2007, with MaxEx® (as in “maximum extraction”) TuTTO renewed the original 1983 system with a sealed capsule, utilizing a “pressurised pre-brewing” which increased extraction of coffee’s solubles by up to 30% compared with traditional systems.

From 2001 onwards TuTTO’s focus has progressively turned towards IP and creative development of technically forward-looking drinks systems. Such progression brought TuTTO license agreements with players aiming at offering “tomorrow’s drinks” and consulting contracts to help large and mid-size players in developing IP-strong solution, either proprietary or “me-too”. Coffee technology is our
TuTTO’s swift, agile and lean structure met the needs of global actors in the coffee market asking for support in the epochal battle experienced by single-portion systems vs. traditional drink-preparation machines, both in the at-home and out-of-home segments. The end results you see today: low cost machines, great convenience and outstanding in-cup drink quality.

To see our older websites click hereunder:

TuTTO website 2010-2016
TuTTO website 2000-2005

Coffee technology

Coffee is an extremely complex natural product. Some aspects related to the plant itself (different varieties, terroirs and climate conditions, etc.) as well as to the processing of green coffee (dry or washed methods, bean selection, stocking etc.) multiply the variables to be controlled.
Yet, to become a beverage, coffee needs to be roasted and ground. Two steps transforming a seemingly innocuous bean into a formidable aroma-generating powder, should the proper technology be applied.
Ultimately, though, coffee neds to be brewed. We like to call this one the “execution” step, because coffee cannot be brewed twice – it has been “executed”.
TuTTO specialises in working inside the real “heart of the matter”, optimising the brewing step. We work to extract only the best part of coffee – in weight they represent just a few thousands of parts per million but they generate most of the sensorial pleasure of coffee drinking.

To where?

Some consider the ecological imprint of single-serve systems… hard to swallow. On the other side, these single-portion packagings allow for huge energy savings in drink preparation. You don’t need to heat up tens of kilos of mass to achieve the thermal homeostasis behind a good quality espresso. And pressurized pre-infusion (and opening) allow for up to 30% higher extraction of solids from coffee, enhancing in-cup quality of the drinks. When the balance is done, the energy footprint of single-serve is not negative. It can surely be improved.

And this is exactly TuTTO’s commitment at least for the last five years. And we have started plucking some ripe results. Such as being the first company worldwide to have a certified compostable capsule (compatible with the largest global multi-drink single-serve platform.)

And we’re not happy only with that. Other patented ideas are already brewing on the stove.

Case studies

 (NB – our business is IP and R&D, not name-dropping)

A global coffee player commissions to TuTTO the development of machines and capsules for a multi-drinks system to be sold in the OfficeCoffee Service market in the UK and France (1999-2006).

Italy’s 2nd largest retail brand licenses their brand for use in TuTTO’s direct sales activity. Machines and capsules – manufactured by TuTTO – are marketed in Italy and France (2008-2014).

A leading European vending machine manufacturer hires TuTTO for boosting its R&D, resulting in two patents filings to cover an innovative brewing unit for automatic food-service machines. (2011-2015).

TuTTO signs a license with the charismatic leader of the top Indian coffeeshop chain. Know-how and turn-key technology allow to quickly install production in a local coffee-growing area. The visionary cooperation means for Indian coffee-drinkers to get to single-portion systems at an early stage of their coffee experience as a nation. (2008-2020).

A compatible coffee capsule compatible with the largest global espresso single-serve platform is developed by TuTTO for a leading global coffee roaster. The project morphs into a huge market success with sales over a dozen EU countries including France, Germany, Spain, Switzerland and the U.K. (2013-2017).

TuTTO develops a capsule design compatible with the leading multi-drinks system platform, globally available in retail stores. Amongst the relevant competitive advantages a hassle-free IP including an innovative opening solution of the capsule, obtained under pressure (2018).

IP transfer of over 20 patents with global roaster. Unique TuTTO technology allows for remarkable advantages in cup-quality. (2020)

IP license agreement with leading plastic transformer (2020).

First industrial compostable capsule design compatible with the leading multi-drinks system platform is certified at leading European certification center. The future may be bright but certainly is green. (2021)


TuTTOespresso s.r.l. società unipersonale
Registered address: Via Nerino 8, 20123 Milano – Italy
Headquarters: Via Varese 2F, 21047 Saronno (VA) – Italy
Telephone: +39 02 9673 0600
VAT: IT02060690126 – C.F. 03388960480

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